JUG: Security codescans directly in your IDE

Eric | January 17, 2014

Codescan resultNext Thursday I will be giving a talk at the Darmstadt Java User Group on Security codescans directly in your IDE. I will be showing two current prototypes that support fast, easily configurable analysis, and a first in-code visualization.

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UNICUM Interview zu Abhöraktionen

Eric | August 9, 2013

Die Zeitschrift UNICUM hat mich und meinen Masterstudenten Christian Fritz zu den staatlichen Abhöraktionen interviewt. Der Artikel ist hier verfügbar.

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TAOSD: Special Issue on Runtime Verification and Analysis

Eric | May 5, 2012

Shahar Maoz (RWTH Aachen) and I will be guest-editing a special issue of the Springer Journal Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development. We invite you all to contribute! Papers may address any aspect of runtime verification related to aspects, including but not limited to:

  • historical or comparative surveys related to aspects and runtime verification / dynamic analysis
  • transformations from high-level specifications or models to monitoring aspects
  • correctness of monitoring aspects
  • static and dynamic optimizations of monitoring aspects
  • aspects for security and traceability
  • domain-specific AOP language abstractions or visual formalisms for runtime verification
  • modularity and composability of runtime monitors or dynamic analysis code
  • runtime verification of hardware or hardware descriptions

Submission deadline is August 15th, 2012. Find more information here.

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