OOPSLA 2007 Panel "There is no silver bullet"

Eric | October 27, 2007

Youtube has this video on the OOPSLA 2007 Panel “There is no silver bullet”. I thought, the panel was a lot of fun. The werewolf was a really cool idea (I finally got the silver bullet analogy), although it really shocked me at first. I was sitting on the floor in the back and just heard somebody shouting and screaming like hell. I already thought somebody was having a heart attack or something 😉 That’s what I like about OOPSLA – always something’s unexpected happens.

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New technical report: "Instance keys: A technique for sharpening whole-program pointer analyses with intraprocedural information"

Eric | October 25, 2007

Authors: Eric Bodden, Patrick Lam and Laurie Hendren
Date: September 2007
Pointer analyses enable many subsequent program analyses and transformations, since they enable compilers to statically disambiguate references to the heap. Extra precision enables pointer analysis clients to draw stronger conclusions about programs. Flow-sensitive pointer analyses are typically quite precise. Unfortunately, flow-sensitive pointer analyses are also often too expensive to run on whole programs. This paper therefore describes a technique which sharpens results from a whole-program flow-insensitive points-to analysis using two flow-sensitive intraprocedural analyses: a must-not-alias analysis and a must-alias analysis. The main technical idea is the notion of instance keys, which enable client analyses to disambiguate object references. We distinguish two kinds of keys: weak and strong. Strong instance keys guarantee that different keys represent different runtime objects, allowing instance keys to almost transparently substitute for runtime objects in static analyses. Weak instance keys may represent multiple runtime objects, but still enable disambiguation of compile-time values. We assign instance keys based on the results of our analyses. We found that the use of instance keys greatly simplified the design and implementation of subsequent analysis phases.

available here for download

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OOPSLA is over

Eric | October 25, 2007

It’s done. OOPSLA is over. I have to say, first I was skeptical about this year’s OOPSLA edition because there were so many tracks going on at the same time. However, one has to admit that in general there was a lot of interesting and funky stuff going on (and the research track was not always the most interesting one). So maybe it’s a good thing to have that variety after all. It’s hard to say, but anyway I had a good week with lots of fruitful discussions. As I understand, some videos of the most important keynotes and other stuff will be available on the OOPSLA or R.P. Gabriel’s website shortly.

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Michael Bond on tracking null pointers via piggybacking

Eric | October 25, 2007

Michael Bond presented an interesting approach to tracking the origin of unusable values such as null today at OOPSLA. His team uses a piggybacking approach, which makes this task very efficient. Instead of storing null when null is assigned, they store some special data structure encoding the location at which this assignment occurs. If then a nullpointer exception happens later on, they are able to report that location. Runtime overheads for their java-based approach (based on modifications to the Jikes RVM) was about 4% in average only.

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Martin Rinard on the importance of bugs in production code

Eric | October 24, 2007

Martin Rinard has been putting forward interesting food for thought for a while which just caught my attention. It’s related to the importance of verification tools. In the past many people have evaluated such tools on programs that are in a production state. While this may be successful, exposing bugs in those programs, Martin says that it is likely that those bugs do not matter! After all, the software is in a production state, it is being used. So if the bug was bad, it had been discovered before! What does matter, he says, are all the bugs that have been eliminated before and all the hundreds of man hours that had to be spent on achieving this. I think he is right and I found this very interesting and encouraging for my work on verification tools.


If you are  interested in this, you might want to read “Understanding the Value of Program Analysis Tools” by Ciera Jaspan, I-Chin Chen, and Anoop Sharma (CMU/Ebay).

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OOPSLA has started

Eric | October 22, 2007

Hi all.

OOPSLA has just started yesterday. As usually it’s a lot of fun, to see all those people you only get to see at conferences, plus meeting all those new people that are doing interesting stuff. Jonathan Aldrich from CMU has a really strong and interesting group at the moment, working on typestate, program analysis and structural subtyping embedded in a nominally-typed language (Java). Two of them were attending the OOPSLA Doctoral Symposium, which was really a lot of fun. The DS was pretty well organized. It was preceded by a joint dinner yesterday, with presentation around the day today. The students really had without any exceptions really strong and interesting thesis topics, plus we got really great advice (at least IMHO) from the organizers, Elisa Baniassad, Todd Millstein, Martin Rinard and Siobhan Clarke.

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