
Eric | June 23, 2009

Today is D-Day – Dissertation Day! What does it take for a dissertation? A box full of three and a half year’s worth of work…


7 copies, that is 2107 pages, printed on 1057 sheets of paper:

IMG_2205 The proof: it’s done! (Yes, the bandage around my wrist shows the effort – too much heavy –duty typing lately. But vacation is on the way.)


Update: If you thought the red tape was restricted to my wrist you were wrong. Just one hour after my submission I got notice that allegedly one of my forms was filled out incorrectly. *sigh*

So what’s next? First of all vacation in the Maritimes. I suppose that’s well deserved.

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Dissertation, Thesis

I am practically there…

Eric | May 29, 2009

Wonder why I was so quiet during the past six months? You can see it on the photograph. This is the first complete version of my dissertation: a modest 301 pages. I am pretty excited. Just one further pass and then I will finally be ready to submit. (clap)

But first it’s time for a change. Next week I’ll be in Algonquin Park for seven days without phone or internet connection. (yes)

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Misc, Research

Nerd score

Eric | May 2, 2009

I just determined my nerd score! Thought I would share it with you…

I am nerdier than 82% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!

So only about 17% of all the people who took the test are nerdier than me 😉 Obviously the question is now: Is that a good or a bad thing?

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Misc, Research

The RV 2009 DEADLINE has been EXTENDED

Eric | March 5, 2009

image The RV 2009 DEADLINE has been EXTENDED to:
    Wednesday 25 March 2009, 23:59 Samoan time (= UTC-11)
9th International Workshop on Runtime Verification
RV 2009, June 26 – June 28, 2009
Grenoble, France

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AOSD, Runtime verification

AOSD 2009

Eric | March 2, 2009

image This week I will be attending AOSD 2009, at Charlottesville, VA. (I hope it’s going to look at least close to what it looks like on this picture. Probably not, at this time of the year.) Anyway, I will be presenting my paper on Dependent Advice. I also plan to attend Alex Villazón’s demo on the MAJOR and CARAJillo tools, which allow you to (finally!) weave into the Java runtime library without having to worry about breaking it. In my session, there will also be some interesting talks about data-flow pointcuts and expressive scoping of distributed aspects (curious to find out what these are). Stay tuned for more…

Update: You can download my slides here… PPTX, PPT, PDF – enjoy!

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AOSD, AspectJ, Charlottesville

Dependent advice: A general approach to optimizing history-based aspects

Eric | December 9, 2008

image I am happy to announce that my latest research paper has been accepted for publication at AOSD 2009. The paper is titled Dependent advice: A general approach to optimizing history-based aspects (paper here), and that’s really what it is about. If you know my past work, then you also know that my work is concerned with evaluating runtime monitors based on tracematches at compile time. The purpose of Dependent Advice (an extension to ordinary AspectJ advice) is to generalize this idea. With dependent advice, one can apply the same powerful whole-program optimizations to normal aspects that previously one could only apply to tracematches. Sounds exciting? So how does it work?

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Collaborative Runtime Verification with Tracematches

Eric | November 29, 2008

imageAfter only a little more than one and a half years, we were now able to publish the (extended) journal version of our RV07 paper on Collaborative Runtime Verification with Tracematches. What’s it about? The idea is simple: Assume you are doing runtime verification, but the nature of the property you want to monitor requires you to instrument some really hot loops in your code. In result, your instrumented program runs very slow. So why not split up the instrumentation load? Multiple users get different “probes” of instrumentation. Instrumentation can even be enabled only temporarily in order to reduce the imageoverall runtime overhead. In this paper we showed that this approach works  and most importantly scales (see graphic to the right). Plus, we avoid any false positive (false warnings), due to a special pointer analysis of the verification property, even if the instrumentation is partially disabled and therefore certain events may be missed. The journal paper is very similar to the workshop paper but it’s self-contained. free download here

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collaborative, LinkedIn, Runtime verification, tracematches

Packs and phases in Soot

Eric | November 26, 2008

This the fourth post in a series of blog posts about frequently asked questions with using Soot. Today’s topic will be on packs and phases in Soot.

One frequent question that comes up on the Soot mailing list is when to run a particular analysis in Soot. Soot’s execution is divided in a set of different packs and each pack contains different phases. Therefore the question could be rephrased as “In which pack do I have to run my analysis or transformation?”. This tutorial tries to help you answer this question.

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LinkedIn, Soot, Soot Tutorial


Eric | November 22, 2008

image I am happy to announce the winners of the annual Peephole Optimization Contest in COMP 520 (Compiler Design): Ning Jia, Alexis Malozemoff and Wei Wu. Congratulations!




imageAs you can see in the results (PPTX), these students even managed to outperform javac in terms of the size of the generated code!




P.S. The above image is courtesy of Harlan Erskine, showing a piece of art of Jen Stark (and has nothing to do with the contest 😉 , in case you are wondering ).

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Misc, Research

FSE slides

Eric | November 13, 2008

imageSome people asked me about the slides of my FSE presentation. You can download the slides here. Note that you may need the PowerPoint 2007 player. Feedback  is welcome! 😉

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FSE, LinkedIn, Presentation, Slides