MODULARITY: aosd2012 – Submit now!

Eric | April 1, 2011

The title of next year’s AOSD conference will be MODULARITY: aosd2012, to emphasize that AOSD has grown beyond the topics of pointcut/advice and now strongly encourages submissions related to any kind of modularity that facilitates reasoning about or maintenance of software systems.

AOSD 2012 will see three submission rounds and the first submission deadline is just about in four weeks:

  • Abstract submission: April 21, 2011
  • Paper submission: April 25, 2011

As Shigeru Chiba showed at AOSD 2011, submitting to an early round clearly pays off! The statistics of the two-round process of AOSD 2011 show that only 8% of new submissions were accepted at the second round. And this despite the fact that the overall acceptance rate at that round was roughly 25%. This is because new submissions have to compete with revised papers, which tended to be stronger (the acceptance rate of resubmissions was 50% that year).

We hence strongly encourage you to submit AOSD, and especially to submit to the first deadline already.

Submission information is available online, along with an FAQ about the three-deadline process.

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AOSD, modularity

Slides on Closure Joinpoints

Eric | March 25, 2011

Some people have asked me for my AOSD 2011 slides on Closure Joinpoints. I have made them available here. Enjoy!

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RV 2011 – Call for Papers

Eric | March 18, 2011

Deadline is May 8th, still more than six weeks to go!

Runtime verification (RV) is concerned with monitoring and analysis of software or hardware system executions.  The field is often referred to under different names, such as runtime verification, runtime monitoring, runtime checking, runtime reflection, runtime analysis, dynamic analysis, runtime symbolic analysis, trace analysis, log file analysis, etc.  RV can be used for many purposes, such as security or safety policy monitoring, debugging, testing, verification, validation, profiling, fault protection, behavior modification (e.g., recovery), etc.  A running system can be abstractly regarded as a generator of execution traces, i.e., sequences of relevant states or events. Traces can be processed in various ways, e.g., checked against formal specifications, analyzed with special algorithms, visualized, etc.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
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AOSD 2012 – First Call for Papers

Eric | March 8, 2011

AOSD 2011 has not even happened yet but preparations for AOSD 2012 (to be held at the HPI in Potsdam) are already well advanced. The 2011 has seen two submission deadlines to encourage authors to submit when their paper is ready and to allow them to retrieve feedback between multiple rounds. We have made some good experience with this and hence Eric Tanter, the PC Chair of AOSD 2012, has decided to even allow for three rounds this year! You may submit to those deadlines:

  • Round 1: Submission: April 25 (soon!!!) / Notification: June 22
  • Round 2: Submission: July 18 / Notification: September 14
  • Round 3: Submission: October 10 / Notification: December 7

Read the full call for papers here. Good luck!

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Progress on the code recommenders project

Eric | March 4, 2011

My colleagues Marcel Bruch and Johannes Lerch have been working heavily on getting ready for the first release of the Eclipse Code Recommenders project. The project uses machine-learning based recommender models to aid programmers in different tasks, including:

  • Code Completion
  • Extended JavaDoc
  • Codesearch
  • Stacktrace-based search
  • Bug detectors

See this website for some exciting first videos. Marcel’s blog always contains the latest information. Also Jaxenter has just published an article in German.

The project’s vision is well described in our paper IDE 2.0: Collective Intelligence in Software Development.

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PhD scholarship “Finding and avoiding Vulnerabilities” funded by Software AG

Eric | March 2, 2011

The Software Technology Group is currently offering a CASED PhD scholarship in the area of secure services, funded by and in collaboration with the Software AG.

The rough topic of the research to be conducted is “Finding and avoiding Vulnerabilities”. Click here to find out more about the position, including information on how to apply.

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TU Darmstadt wins BMBF Competence Center for IT Security “EC SPRIDE”

Eric | February 28, 2011

Just in case you have been wondering why I was so silent over the past couple of months: I had the honor to coordinate a grant proposal for a call by the BMBF.

Fortunately, the hard work payed off: as the BMBF has just announced, Darmstadt, Karlsruhe and Saarbrücken were successful in the competition. (clap)

For the TU Darmstadt this means that it obtains funding to establish a new center called European Center for Security and Privacy by Design (EC SPRIDE). Researchers at EC SPRIDE will use techniques from Software Engineering and IT Security to develop novel methods that allow programmers to make their software secure by design (opposed to “adding” security later-on, which often leads to a heap of new problems). The new center will be lead by Prof. Michael Waidner (also head of the Fraunhofer SIT Darmstadt) and will comprise Darmstadt’s top researchers in IT Security and Software Engineering.

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New deadline for Software Composition: Feb. 20th

Eric | February 5, 2011






Just to let you know, to synchronize with the other TOOLS conferences, the deadline for the 10th International Conference on Software Composition has been extended to February 20th. Happy submitting! (yes)

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ISSTA 2011 deadline: Feb. 4th

Eric | January 19, 2011

Call for PapersISSTA 2011 is still accepting publications until February 4th.

Topics of interest for ISSTA include, but are not limited to:

  • Test case selection, prioritization and generation
  • Specification- and model-based testing
  • Regression testing
  • Debugging
  • Static and dynamic program analysis
  • Fault localization and repair
  • Model checking
  • Mining and restructuring
  • Verification and validation
  • Reliability and monitoring
  • Functional and performance testing
  • Domain-specific testing and analysis
  • Testing and analysis for web and security
  • Testing and analysis of concurrent software
  • Empirical evaluations and case studies about testing or analysis
  • Tools for testing and analysis

Good luck!

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PhD scholarship in Secure Services

Eric | January 5, 2011

UPDATE: The position had been filled.

I am happy to announce that, through CASED, I received generous funding from the Horst-Görtz foundation to establish a junior research group. As of now, I am therefore looking for an excellent student who is interested in doing cutting-edge research with me.

I am generally interested in using static and dynamic analyses to prove safety and security properties of (Java) programs, and the student will generally be expected to deliver excellent research in this area. Technologies that can be built on include, but are by no means limited to, Soot, abc and TamiFlex.

The student will be co-supervised by Prof. Mira Mezini. You can find more information about this position here.

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