EC SPRIDE im Darmstädter Echo…

Eric | November 2, 2011

EC SPRIDE was in the news today, with a kick-off feature by the all famous Darmstädter Echo. Update: There’s a second article, even…

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Open PhD Position in connection with EC SPRIDE

Eric | October 31, 2011

I am happy to announce the availability of an open PhD position in connection with EC-SPRIDE. Those attractive positions come with a competitive salary and generous funding for equipment and travel.

Click here to read more and to apply now! UPDATE: THOSE POSITIONS HAVE BEEN FILLED!

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The Soot framework for Java program analysis: a retrospective

Eric | October 10, 2011

To appear at the Cetus Users and Compiler Infastructure Workshop:

Soot is a successful framework for experimenting with compiler and software engineering techniques for Java programs. Researchers from around the world have implemented a wide range of research tools which build on Soot, and Soot has been widely used by students for both courses and thesis research. In this paper, we describe relevant features of Soot, summarize its development process, and discuss useful features for future program analysis frameworks. Download PDF here

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MOPBox Demo Friday at RV

Eric | September 28, 2011

This Friday I will be demoing MOPBox, out new library for runtime verification at this year’s RV conference. We hope that some users will join our open-source project.

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International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Java Program Analysis (SOAP 2012)

Eric | September 28, 2011

Co-located with PLDI 2012 in Beijing…

Soot has enabled hundreds of users to carry out research in static analysis of Java. As Soot enters its second decade, the first SOAP workshop will bring together the thriving Soot community and help catalyze the future development of the Soot framework. We anticipate that SOAP will help spur discussions and collaborations between different groups using Soot. The agenda for SOAP will also include discussions and work on integrating external contributions into the main Soot framework, as well as explorations of potential future extensions to Soot.

Important Dates

Paper submissions: March 28th, 2012
Notification of authors: April 28th, 2012
Submission of camera-ready copies: May 12th, 2012
Workshop date: TBA (June 14th, 15th or 16th) 2012
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PLDI, Soot

TamiFlex 2.0 is out

Eric | September 25, 2011

I am happy to announce the availability of TamiFlex 2.0.

This new release includes a couple of bug fixes but also some important changes and new features.

The Play-Out Agent is now extensible: you can add your own instrumentation probes if you like. By default, the agent can now log many more reflective calls than before. The probes, as well as other options, are now configured through configuration files. Neither agent accepts command-line options any longer. We highly recommend reading out documentation on those files.

Also we make available, for the first time, an Eclipse Plugin that allows you to play-out and play-in directly from within Eclipse.

The Play-In Agent and Booster did not change much.

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ASE Lecture to be held again in WS 2011/12

Eric | September 9, 2011

I am happy to announce that I will be offering my lecture on Automated Software Engineering again in the upcoming winter semester. I have updated the topics slightly but the general structure will remain the same. Find more information here.

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Misc, Research

Several Calls for this year’s AOSD

Eric | September 8, 2011

AOSD 2012 is still accepting paper submissions for its third and last submission deadline…

Abstracts: October 13 / Submission: October 17

In addition, you can participate in the Modularity Visions Track (deadline Sep. 23rd), propose a workshop (also Sep. 23rd) or Demo (Jan 9th).

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Slides for WODA talk

Eric | July 19, 2011

The slides for my WODA talk are now available online.

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Nightly builds of Clara, Soot, JastAdd, Jasmin…

Eric | July 18, 2011

Thanks to my colleagues Marcel and Johannes I have now been able to set up nightly builds for Clara, Soot, JastAdd and the Soot version of Jasmin on our server in Darmstadt. Please help yourself!

Nightly builds of TamiFlex will follow.

If you want to build Clara yourself, please proceed as follows. Type:

svn co clara-with-deps

This will checkout clara and all dependencies into clara-with-deps. To build Clara, open the directory build and then execute the ant script there. That should be all.

P.S. Note that we are not longer building Polyglot from scratch, as the polyglot-based frontend to Soot is deprecated now. It has been replaced by a frontend based on JastAdd.



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