One step closer to modularizing security code

Eric | January 29, 2013

In my group we worry a lot about what the future of secure software engineering is going to look like, and we are trying to shape that future for the better by developing tools, methods and programming languages that support a secure software design and implementation. One thing we have noticed over the past years is that many current applications and frameworks suffer from the fact that their security-related code is scattered throughout the program, and tangled with other code that is not at all related to security. From all the talk about AOP, we know that scattering and tangling can have detrimental effects, but this is especially true when talking about security. The repeated news reports about zero-day vulnerabilities in the JDK, for example, are just one instance of that problem.

Aspects are meant to modularize crosscutting concerns. So why not just use AspectJ to modularize all security code? In principle yes, I guess that would be a step into the right direction. But it cannot solve the whole problem. One problem is the well-known fragile pointcut problem. As base logic changes, pointcuts need to be updated. One of the problems with the JDK, for instance, was that new code was added without putting appropriate security checks in place. That’s pretty much the same problem we are talking about. Someone still needs to say where checks need to go! Read the rest of this entry »

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How useful are existing monitoring languages for securing Android apps?

Eric | January 28, 2013


… if you think that’s an interesting question then you might be interested in reading our latest publication. We have studied four existing languages for code instrumentation. The main selection criterion was that there was at least a somewhat stable implementation available. Also we ruled out tools such as TaintDroid which do not provide a language frontend.

Specifically, we investigated JavaMOP, Tracematches, DFlow Pointcuts and PQL. As we found out, all have their little problems, and no such language is ideally suited for the task.

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AOSD 2013 – Call for Participation

Eric | January 25, 2013

Dead all, I am happy to announce that the program for AOSD is now complete. Come and join us for an exciting conference in Japan!


12th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
MODULARITY: aosd 2013
March 24-29, 2013
Fukuoka, Japan

The full program is online and registration is open.

Deadline for early registration: February 24, 2013

In cooperation with:

* Microsoft Research
* Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical
Engineering, Kyushu University
* Oracle Corporation
* Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau
* Kayamori Foundation of Information Science Advancement
* Rakuten, Inc.
* VMware, Inc.
* Cybozu, Inc.

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SC submission deadline is approaching

Eric | January 15, 2013

There’s still a chance to submit to SC 2013! 5 days left to submit an abstract, 10 days to submit a paper! We welcome your contributions!
For more information, see

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Instrumenting Android Apps with Soot

Eric | January 8, 2013

I am excited to let you know that we have recently committed to the development Branch of Soot support for reading and writing Dalvik bytecode with Soot. (This code will also be contained in Soot’s upcoming release.) This supports consists of two major modules. One is called Dexpler, mainly developed by a group around Alexandre Bartel, and with some enhancements by Ben Bellamy and myself as well as Frank Hartmann and Michael Markert, two students of mine. Dexpler converts Dalvik bytecode into Jimple’s three-address code. This may sound simple – after all Dalvik code is register based and Jimple uses local variables which are quite similar to logical registers. However, things get tricky with respect to typing. Jimple is typed; every local variable is of some declared type. In Dalvik, registers are untyped, and during the execution of a method the same register can hold values of quite different types. Constants in Dalvik are also untyped: when loading a double or a long into a register, Dalvik just loads an eight-byte bit-pattern into the register without telling you whether it’s a long or double. But in Jimple we need this information. Thus getting the typing of Jimple locals right is quite tricky and took us a while. On the other hand, typed locals are great, as they allow for a simpler and more precise pointer analysis, among other things. Read the rest of this entry »

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Soot Tutorial

A recap on our research progress in 2012

Eric | December 21, 2012

The year is coming to an end, and in fact some believe so may the world, so I thought I would give everyone a recap of what we have worked on and accomplished in 2012. What an exciting year this was! Through funding by EC SPRIDE and my new Emmy Noether Group RUNSECURE, my group grew from a single PhD student to five! This was obviously quite an exciting but also challenging shift for me, coordinating such a large and new group is not an easy task – but at the end of the year I have to say that I think I am getting the hang of it.

In a collaboration with Andreas Thies from Fernuni Hagen, we were able to develop the first system that can guarantee to some decent extent the correctness of refactorings in the presence of reflective method invocations. Our Eclipse plugin RefaFlex is available for download. Our ISSTA publication on the topic received the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.

Around the beginning of the year we started quite fruitful collaborations with the groups of Jacques Klein and Patrick McDaniel to work on an analysis infrastructure for Android based on Soot. Alexandre Bartel has just released our current versions of a pair of Dex-to-Jimple and Jimple-to-Dex converters, which in combination allow for arbitrarily precise analyses and transformations on Dalvik bytecode. (The Jimple-to-Dex converter is a contribution by Thomas Pilot, developed as his MSc thesis.) We plan to publish interesting analyses based on this framework soon. If you are interested in playing around with it yourself, check out our development branch. Read the rest of this entry »

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What are the future trends in practical software engineering?

Eric | December 17, 2012

In the near future we are planning to conduct a survey with SE practitioners, to find out what are the future trends (within the next 5-10 years) with respect to software development – including both sociological and technological trends.

Currently we are looking into “seeding” this survey by brainstorming about such trends. So what do you think? What trends do you see that could be included for discussion in such a survey? Please comment here…

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Solving inter-procedural data-flow problems with Heros

Eric | November 29, 2012

I am happy to announce the availability of Heros, our new inter-procedural data-flow solver. Heros is based on the well-known IFDS and IDE frameworks by Reps, Horwitz and Sagiv. It allows users to define data-flow problems in a very simple template-based manner (see here for example): simply define your flow functions and let the solver take care of the rest. Other implementations of IFDS and IDE exist, for instance WALA has had support for IFDS for quite some time. Heros has a number of unique features, though:

  • Its implementation is independent of the programming language being analyzed and the analysis framework’s IR. We provide a connector to Soot but other people can easily integrate Heros with other tools. We ourselves are working on an integration with a C/C++ compiler.
  • Heros is multi-threaded and hence highly scalable.
  • Heros also provides a relatively simple programming interface.

By making Heros publicly available as Open Source we hope that the community will make use of it, build on it and extend it – for the benefit of all. We programmed Heros with providing clear and simple code in mind, and commented the API thoroughly. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contacting me!

P.S. For a bit of a writeup, see here.

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Call for Papers – 12th International Conference on Software Composition (SC 2013)

Eric | November 17, 2012

12th International Conference on Software Composition (SC 2013)
June 17–21 2013, Budapest, Hungary

The International Conference on Software Composition (SC) is the leading
venue that addresses challenges of how composition of software parts may
be used to build and maintain large software systems.
Software Composition 2013 will be the 12th edition in the series, and we invite researchers and practitioners to submit high-quality papers. Submissions that relate theory and practice of software composition are particularly welcome. Software Composition 2013 is co-located with the TOOLS 2013 Federated Conferences, taking place in Budapest between June 17th and 21st 2013.

Topics of Interest:

The SC 2013 program committee seeks original, high-quality papers related to software composition, including but not limited to the
following topics:

* Component-based software engineering
* Composition and adaptation techniques
* Composition algebras, calculi and type systems
* Feature-oriented software development
* Aspect-oriented software development
* Model-driven composition
* Models of computation
* Verification, validation and testing
* Dynamic composition and reconfiguration
* Large-scale component-based systems
* Cloud, service-oriented architectures
* Business process orchestration
* Visual composition environments
* Performance optimization of composite systems

We solicit high-quality submissions on research results and/or experience (up to 16 pages, LNCS format, including bibliography and
figures) describing a technical contribution in depth. Short and position papers are also welcome for the work in progress session (up to 8 pages, LNCS format, including bibliography and figures). Short submissions must concisely capture ongoing work, new ideas, and

Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. Submitted papers must be
unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. As in previous years, the proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Conference Web Site:

Important Dates:

Abstract submission: January 20, 2013 (optional)
Paper submission: January 25, 2013 (23:59 anywhere on earth)
Acceptance notification: March 10, 2013
Camera-ready copy: March 22, 2013

General Chair:

Welf Löwe, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Program Chairs:

Walter Binder, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Eric Bodden, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Publicity Chair:

Stephen Kell, University of Lugano, Switzerland

Program Committee:

Danilo Ansaloni, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany
Olivier Barais, University of Rennes 1, France
Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile, Chile
Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Daniele Bonetta, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Lubomír Bulej, Charles University, Czech Republic
Shigeru Chiba, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ion Constantinescu, Google, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Erik Ernst, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Bernd Freisleben, University of Marburg, Germany
Thomas Gschwind, IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Michael Haupt, Oracle Labs, Germany
Christian Kästner, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego, USA
Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern University, USA
David Lorenz, The Open University, Israel
Hidehiko Masuhara, University of Tokyo, Japan
Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
Jacques Noyé, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Ina Schaefer, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Andreas Sewe, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Mario Südholt, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft Research, USA
Immanuel Trummer, EPFL, Switzerland
Alex Villazón, Universidad Privada Boliviana, Bolivia
Eric Wohlstadter, University of British Columbia, Canada
Thomas Würthinger, Oracle Labs, Austria
Cheng Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

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New Tech Report on Analyzing Product Lines

Eric | November 13, 2012

I am happy to announce the availability of a new Tech Report on Transparent and Efficient Reuse of IFDS-based Static Program Analyses for Software Product Lines. This is joint work with Társis Tolêdo, Márcio Ribeiro, Claus Brabrand, Paulo Borba and Mira Mezini. In the paper, we show how an important class of program analyses designed for traditional programs can be transparently reused for software product lines.

From the abstract:

A software product line (SPL) encodes a potentially large variety of software products as variants of some common code base. Up until now, re-using traditional static analyses for SPLs was virtually intractable, as it required programmers to generate and analyze all products individually.

In this work, however, we show how an important class of existing inter-procedural static analyses can be transparently lifted to SPLs. Without requiring programmers to change a single line of code, our approach SPLLIFT automatically converts any analysis formulated for traditional programs within the popular IFDS framework for interprocedural, finite, distributive, subset problems to an SPL-aware analysis formulated in the IDE framework, a well-known extension to IFDS.

Using a full implementation based on Soot, CIDE and JavaBDD, we show that with SPLLIFT one can reuse IFDS-based analyses without changing a single line of code. Through experiments using three static analyses applied to four Java-based product lines, we were able to show that our approach produces correct results and outperforms the traditional approach by several orders of magnitude.

Much gratitude goes to to Ondrej Lhotak, who provided useful hints on optimizing BDDs. We also wish to thank the developers of CIDE, JavaBDD and Soot for making their tools available to us and for their continuing support. Thanks to Phil Pratt-Szeliga and Marc-Andre Laverdiere-Papineau, who provided help with analyzing J2ME MIDlets. Thanks also to Sven Apel who provided helpful feedback on an earlier version of this paper.

Our implementation is available for download in source, along with everything required to reproduce our experimental results. If you build on this implementation, we would appreciate if you’d let us know.

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