[15] | Efficient trace monitoring (Pavel Avgustinov, Julian Tibble, Eric Bodden, Laurie Hendren, Ondrej Lhotak, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Ganesh Sittampalam), Poster with abstract, pages 685--686, ACM Press, 2006. [bib] [pdf] [doi] |
[14] | Temporal Assertions using AspectJ (Eric Bodden), Poster, 4th International Conference on Aspect-oriented Software Development, March 14th-18th 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, 2006. [bib] |
[13] | Zweigstelle, Hauptstelle, Dienstleister: Aspektorientierte Programmierung mit .NET (Torsten Weber, Eric Bodden), ObjektSPEKTRUM, SIGS-DATACOM, 2006. [bib] [pdf] |
[12] | Efficient temporal pointcuts through dynamic advice deployment (Eric Bodden, Volker Stolz), In Workshop on Open Aspect Languages, Bonn, Germany, 2006. [bib] [pdf] |
[11] | Avoiding Infinite Recursion with Stratified Aspects (Eric Bodden, Florian Forster, Friedrich Steimann), In GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics ``NODe 2006 GSEM 2006'' (Robert Hirschfeld, Andreas Polze, Ryszard Kowalczyk, eds.), pages 49 -- 64, Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2006. [bib] [pdf] |
[10] | Aspects and Data Refinement (Pavel Avgustinov, Eric Bodden, Elnar Hajiyev, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Damien Sereni, Ganesh Sittampalam, Julian Tibble), In Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC) (Tarmo Uustalu, ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006. [bib] [pdf] |
[9] | Aspects for Trace Monitoring (Pavel Avgustinov, Eric Bodden, Elnar Hajiyev, Laurie Hendren, Ondrej Lhoták, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Damien Sereni, Ganesh Sittampalam, Julian Tibble, Mathieu Verbaere), In Formal Approaches to Testing Systems and Runtime Verification (FATES/RV) (Klaus Havelund, Manuel Nunez, Grigore Rosu, Burkhart Wolff, eds.), pages 20--39, Volume 4262 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006. [bib] [pdf] |
[8] | J-LO - A tool for runtime-checking temporal assertions (Eric Bodden), Diploma thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2005. [bib] [pdf] |
[7] | Concern specific languages and their implementation with abc (Eric Bodden), In 3rd Workshop on Software-engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies (SPLAT) at the 4th International Conference on Aspect-oriented Software Development, March 15th 2005, Chicago, USA, 2005. [bib] [pdf] |
[6] | Temporal Assertions using AspectJ (Volker Stolz, Eric Bodden), In 5th Workshop on Runtime Verification, pages 109--124, 144(4) of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2005. [bib] [pdf] |
[5] | Implementing concern-specific languages with abc (Eric Bodden), Seminar on Aspect-oriented Programming, Prof. Friedrich Steimann, Hannover University, 2005. [bib] [pdf] |
[4] | Efficient and Expressive Runtime Verification for Java (Eric Bodden), In Grand Finals of the ACM Student Research Competition 2005, 2005. Awarded: Winner paper of the Grand Finals [bib] [pdf] |
[3] | A lightweight LTL runtime verification tool for Java (Eric Bodden), In Companion to the 19th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2004, October 24-28, 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pages 306--307, ACM, 2004. (ACM Student Research Competition) [bib] [pdf] |
[2] | A high-level view of Java applications (Eric Bodden), In OOPSLA '03: Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, pages 384--385, ACM Press, 2003. (ACM Student Research Competition) [bib] [pdf] [doi] |
[1] | Scaling Interprocedural Static Data-Flow Analysis to Large C/C++ Applications (Fabian Schiebel, Florian Sattler, Philipp Dominik Schubert, Svel Apel, Eric Bodden), In ECOOP 2024. [bib] [pdf] |