This month, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft has approved my grant proposal within the Fraunhofer Attract program. The grant »Fraunhofer Attract« offers outstanding external scientists the opportunity to develop their ideas towards an actual application within an optimally equipped Fraunhofer institute operating close to the market. Goal of our project is to develop innovative code analysis tools to aid the engineering of more secure software products in the large. The grant totals to about 2.5 Million Euro, which will allow us to finance a number of new PhD students and/or postdocs for initially five years. The positions will be announced soon.
Fraunhofer “Attract” grant for work on static code analysis
Eric | June 28, 2013Presenting SPLlift
Eric | June 19, 2013Today Mira Mezini is presenting our new analysis approach SPLlift at PLDI, which allows the inter-procedural analysis of product lines in minutes instead of years.
Trend- und Strategiebericht: Entwicklung sicherer Software durch Security by Design
Eric | June 6, 2013Am heutigen Donnerstag veröffentlichen die vom BMBF geförderten drei Kompetenzzentren für IT-Sicherheit CISPA, Kastel und EC SPRIDE den Trend- und Strategiebericht Entwicklung sicherer Software durch Security by Design. Der Bericht vertritt die These, dass die Entwicklung und Integration sicherer Software nach dem Prinzip Security by Design ausgestaltet werden muss und benennt entsprechende Herausforderungen für eine praxisorientierte Forschungsagenda.