New job, lab and continent (starting in August)
Eric | July 8, 2009In just about a week I will be returning to Germany, leaving Montreal for an indefinite amount of time. (Well, actually I will be back for my defense some time in Fall, but only for a couple of days.) It’s been a very fun time in Montreal but after 3 1/2 years it’s also time for a change. Nevertheless, I will be missing this place. Especially right now in the summer, with all the festivals going on, Montreal is a really great place to be. We will see how Darmstadt compares…
On August 1st I will be starting as a PostDoc with Mira Mezini and her Software Technology Group. Like the Sable Research Group, these folks are working on program analysis of Java-like languages, but with a more dynamic and software-engineeringy twist to it. I think it is going to be great to get a new perspective on things.
Also, of course, being at Darmstadt for me means being much closer to home and my friends and family over there, which is always nice. What else is changing? Well, in terms of research not much. Laurie and I agreed that I should still further maintain Soot for a while, until somebody else at McGill is familiar enough with the framework to take over. I also plan to still make contributions to the AspectBench Compiler. The only other thing I might need to change is the header graphics on my webpage 🙂